I have a huge thing for gays. :3 They're just brilliant. Gay porn is the shizz and band slash is even fuckin better

Which brings me to point 2, Waycest. Ohhh yes. Brotherly love ftw. I have this RP thingy with my BFF, and whenever I'm feeling low, I'm like "GIMME WAYCEST SMEX NAO". It's just so damn addictive and it's impossible not to think that they've experienced before. I mean, look at them. They're irresistible.
FRERARD. Third on my list, Frank/Gerard slash. It's not as big as Waycest, but it's close alright. I'm not a Geetard fan, but Frank I adore, and he's such an adorable little closet gay homosexual.
SYNGEANCE. Ohhh, this is just as big as Waycest. Synyster Gates / Zacky Vengeance. Ohh nelly, put these two alone in a room with some lube and you've totally just made me happy

Those were the guilty pleasures. I of course indulge in day dreams and night dreams of MYSELF raping each one of the boys mentioned above. 'Cept for Gerard. I don't likes him.
He's just THAT much of a gay homosexual.
I also like normal things, like sex and lollipops. Not at the same time, of course. Well, maybe if it's part of some kinky shit, then yes, that could work.
I'm a closet nympho. What the fuck is a closet nympho, you ask? Well, the kind that's never had sex but sex occupies their mind 99% of the time, the remaining 1% spent on imagining various positions with various people.
I will most probably be a for shizz nympho in time. Or a prostitute. But in a way, it's kinda the same damn thing.
I like groupies. I wanna be a groupie when I'm 18 and legally capable of raping sweet forbidden rockstar ass. I mean, bodies.
Pizza is my alltime favorite food, I could eat my body weight in it. Actually, I couldn't. But yeah, I like it a lot.
Chocolate, on the other hand, THAT I could eat my body weight in. It's so fuckin good and yummy and mmmmmm yeah *insert longing moan here*
Darren from WKUK is pretty much the most adorable person in the world. The fact that he looks like Mikey Way has nothing to do with it. He's just seriously amazing. If you don't know wtf WKUK is, I advise you go and youtube that IMMEDIATELY, because you're obviously missing out on a lot of great comedy.
I love sad endings. Happy endings are too overrated, in my opinion. I always kill my characters in stories and shit, or make them incredibly ill or some shit like that that's sad and depressing.
I HATE Alicia Simmons. No, it's not because she's married to Mikey. I love Synyster Gates as much as I love Mikey, and I like Michelle DiBendetto. So, that is not the cause. The fact is, she does nothing for the world. She doesn't work, she leeches off of Mikey. Has anyone not noticed how she's out of work since '05, when she started dating Mikey? She's an internet drama bitch craving for attention and using her naive husband to do so. I have no respect for this woman whatsoever.And she's a fucking lesbian.
I despise spiders, bugs or anything that has more than 4 legs. Ughhh, seriously, waking up with a spider on your face is NOT COOL. I almost ran head first into the wall to kill it.
I also hate stereotypes. I'm romanian, deal with it, I will not steal from you, I will not stab you and I will not turn you into a vampire, not even if you ask nicely.
I hate Twilight. Everybody's making such a damn fuss about, but it's epic failz0r. Vampires don't SPARKLE, damnit! Where have you been living, woman?!
Do I SPARKLE to you?
I really can't think of anything else atm. That, and I have to fap to some pictures i got of the internet.
Also, cocks.
Ma descarc atunci cand scriu din astea sau cand le citesc pe ale altora. Ar trebui sa faca romane :))